
Geared toward fiction writers, The Liberty Writer blog fuels your love for story with weekly posts that offer tips on crafting your work of fiction. Posts range from getting started on story building to fighting fear of writing, from developing discipline to knowing when it’s okay to take a break, from learning to give meaningful critiques to better character development.

Find encouragement that your story is worth telling. Learn to make your ideas more than concepts left in your mind. Relate to other writers; excel in your work; see your story become complete, tangible words on paper; learn from others’ mistakes, observations, and struggles. Have a blast creating your story!

Write well. Write bold. Write the stories you want to tell.

Liberty Bell launched The Liberty Writer in early 2018 and continues to spread her passion for story wherever she goes. The more she teaches, the more she learns about her favorite hobby. She enjoys encouraging and empowering people to find the freedom to write and create their story. Read more about her work in Liberty’s Writing.


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