In Review

Twenty years ago, people panicked at the approach of Y2K. I was too young to remember it, but here we stand, two decades later, getting ready to enter the year 2020. Sounds kind of crazy, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, the next two decades will probably go by just as quick.
As we prepare to enter a new year, I thought I’d take a bit of time to reflect on the past year and say a few things I’m grateful for from 2019.

1.      January, February, and March found me swamped with a commitment nearly every night for 10 weeks. I was able to keep up with everything, plus write a short story for a contest. That made me happy. And I’m still alive. ;)

2.      April – I participated in a 5-day online challenge that got me thinking about how to use my interests in writing, art, and horses to serve the military. I am now contacting ranches across the U.S. that serve veterans, in hopes of finding one I can begin volunteering with. I’m thankful for this challenge that made me think bigger than my current situation.

3.      May – I finished a third draft of my first fantasy novel one year, five months, and one week after beginning the book. Yay for another book to put on the “to-be-edited” list.

4.      June – I attended my third writers’ workshop with the One Year Adventure Novel. This year, I was privileged to be a critique group leader for seven, talented participants. I also was able to listen to Allen Arnold (author of The Story of With) speak during the conference, who delivered words I absolutely needed to hear. I almost didn’t attend this workshop, and I’m so grateful I did.

5.      July – We enjoyed the hottest summer I can remember; fires were bad, and the smoke blocked the mountains for most of the season, but I loved the sun and sweat. :) And the two fires that cropped up here in the city didn’t spread, so I still have a house. :D

6.      August – I began consistently talking with one of the people from my June conference critique group and now have a new friend. It’s been good.

7.      September – One of my best friends from the One Year Adventure Novel community came to visit me. We went on five hikes in the eight full days she was here, in the wind, snow, and rain. We saw moose, beluga whales, Dall sheep, and an angry hiker with a pistol. It was a blast, and I still miss her being here. Love you, friend. <3

8.      October – This was a quiet month for me in which I did a bit of reading, art, and prepared to open my online art shop. I realized how much I depend on people rather than God, and so, though it’s a hard truth, I’m glad I was able to realize that about myself and be aware of that moving forward.

9.      November – My brother and I got to go on a last-minute weekend-trip to Washington state to visit our friends, during which we visited the U.S.S. Turner Joy. It was an awesome time of fun, razzing, doing puzzles, and discussion. Something happens to me when I see this particular set of friends—I get very sarcastic, full of puns, smart, and kind of mean. I’m thankful they love me anyway. :P  I also ate Chipotle for the first time. Twice. In four days. Three days, actually.

10.  December – I survived two weeks at work without the office manager being there to help. :D

This year certainly hasn’t been perfect. I’ve had my share of things that really hurt, exhaustion, discouragement, and even some depression. But even in the hard things, I can always find something to be thankful for because even in the hard things, God is good. Happy New Year!


What were some highlights from your year and what are you thankful for? Share in the comments!

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