In Which Liberty Makes an Announcement
friends. A lot has happened since November.
of you know I have a deep passion for the United States Armed Forces. Most of
you also know that I’ve been taking small steps toward working with military
men and women (and first responders), serving them through equine and art
therapy. My greatest desire is to see eradication of military suicides. Starting
in November, things have really picked up with goals I’ve set for working with the
military and opportunities that have opened up. And that’s given me some
still love writing. I plan to continue writing, and I plan to use writing as a
therapy medium in the work I do. But I think it’s time for me to be done
blogging here on The Liberty Writer. Writing that last sentence felt
struggled with wondering if I’m giving up on a project that has been difficult
for me to keep running over the past year. Am I just looking for an easy way
out of writing something every week? But at the same time, I know that the
ranch I will be starting (Mission BR:a.v.e. Ranch) is what I want to give the
majority of my time to. I also know that devoting some time to life and living
and learning will boost my writing incredibly, even if I’m writing less during
that time.
started a website and blog for that, which you can find here at Mission BR:a.v.e. Ranch. I’ve also started an
Instagram account, which you can find here at mission_brave_ranch.
the last couple of months, I’ve found myself rather overwhelmed with my
schedule. I can’t keep up with two separate blogs and three Instagram accounts
(personal/The Liberty Writer, LibertyBell1Redbubble, and Mission Brave Ranch).
In addition to this, I will most likely be enrolling in college which will take
even more of my time.
so, I’ve decided that blogging here should probably end. Like I said, I will
still be writing over on the Mission BR:a.v.e.Ranch blog, and I would love for
you to continue to follow me there.
posts here will continue until June 12, and I will leave the blog up for
viewing after that. I may come back to this if life slows down, but if I don’t,
know that I’m very grateful to have had this opportunity to blog here for the
past two years. I’m very grateful for my faithful readers.
post was harder to write than I anticipated. But I feel it’s the right thing.
Thank you for understanding, friends. Until next week,
most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” – Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
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