Honest Confessions and a Writing Challenge

The Confession

As you may notice, for the purpose of this blog, I assert myself as a leader.

“Naturally,” you say.

But just because I’m leading, doesn’t mean I have it all together. I hope that my posts have an honest and transparent flair to them. And if they do, and if they’ve hit home for you, then they’ve fulfilled part of their purpose. But they only hit home because I’m writing from myself.

What I mean is that posts about comparison mean that I compare myself to others. Posts about purposelessness mean that I often feel purposeless. Posts about fear mean that I am afraid most every time I sit down to write. Sometimes I let it control me. This week, ironically, has been a fairly fear-filled week for me, because I’m writing on a major time crunch.

I suppose that what I’m trying to say is this: don’t look at me as a high-up, unattainable person who is an expert that has figured out everything in the world about writing. Because I haven’t.

An acquaintance of mine who has been writing longer than me said, “We are all still learning. Never stop learning.”

That means we’re learning together. I’ve heard published authors open themselves up to share things that reveal they don’t have it all together either. They don’t. You don’t. I don’t.

So, as you read my posts, just remember: I’m a person too, I’m learning too, I’m not an expert either.

And sometimes, the writing life is brutal to all of us.

The Writing Challenge

That being said, I want to begin to engage you on a more interactive level!

During the month of September, I will be hosting a FREE 30-Day Writing Challenge. Each day is designed to give you a few minutes practicing various writing techniques, no matter what level of writing you’re at. Remember, you’re still learning. :)

The challenges are short, giving you time to squeeze them into your schedule and making this a doable experience for all of you.

The fun doesn’t end there. I want to read what you’ve written! While it is not a requirement in order to join the challenge, I encourage you to post your work as a comment on this blog, labeled with the Day # that the piece demonstrates.

The only constraint that I have is that all submitted content MUST be free of sexual content, gratuitous violence, and language (yes, even the “mild” words). I will delete any content that I deem inappropriate.

In October, I will compile a few of the posts into a blog post—a chance for you to have your work read by others. If I choose not to feature your work, don’t take it personally. I will still be excited that you pulled together the courage to make your work public.

If you would like your piece to be critiqued, please type CRITIQUE at the beginning of your post. I will then insert my comments in your piece and feature it in the blog post. It will be a great experience for you and fellow blog readers to see how to improve personal writing and cultivate strengths.

This 30-Day Writing Challenge is free and open to all. Please share the link to this post and involve as many writers as you can.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions before or during the challenge.
I look forward to reading your work!


Day 1: Detail. Describe your most precious object using words that paint a picture. Don’t write anything that conveys a concept—it won’t count. Make a picture with your words. The object can be sentimental or expensive.

Day 2: Meaning. In one or two paragraphs, write out the meaning behind the object of Day 1. Describe your emotions and feelings that are tied to it.

Day 3: Sensory. It is said that the sense of smell is the sense that has the most memories tied to it. Pick a scent, describe it using sentences that help the reader smell it too (no concepts), and describe the memory associated with it.

30-Day Writing Challenge. Join the fun for FREE!
September 1, 2018-September 30, 2018


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