Inspired by a Block of Cheese
knew that I needed to write something for my blog soon, but I couldn’t find a
topic. Usually a subject is running through my mind for a while before I write
it up, but this
time I had nothing. It was a
Saturday, and I didn’t have anything pressing that I needed to do, but just
sitting around doing nothing tends to discourage me. It makes me feel like I’m
wasting my time, not to mention that when that happens, I’m generally bored as
well. So, it wasn’t my greatest day. Not terrible, just not the best. (And
before I quit complaining, let me add that I was exhausted as well).
A Cheesy
afternoon rolled around, and my mom asked me to grate some cheese for dinner
prep. I hate
shredding cheese. For some reason,
it’s just one of those jobs that grates me. ;) Even so, I grabbed the block of
mozzarella and began scraping the cheese over the blade.
happens to be a soft cheese, and some pieces would bend and rip away from the
block, forcing me to take those broken chunks and slide them over the blade. It
required more pressure than grating from a larger section and posed more of a
risk of shredding the skin off my fingertips as well.
I pressed one of these broken pieces to the blade and slid it down, a thought
flitted through my mind.
can’t do this.”
split-second later, another thought flashed in. “I’m just being lazy.” The
thought, “I can’t do this,” disgusted me. How lazy do I have to be to think I can’t grate cheese?
suddenly, I had a blog post.
many times have you sat down to write and thought, “I can’t do it?”
many times have you not opened a word processor, not even sat down, not even
tried to write something that’s on your heart because you think, “I can’t”?
Is it really
because you can’t? Or is it laziness? Maybe you’re discouraged. Maybe you’re physically,
mentally, emotionally, or even spiritually exhausted. Maybe you’re afraid to
write something stupid. Maybe you’ve been comparing your work to other
peoples’. But is it really because you can’t?
you call it “no inspiration” or “writer’s block.” Or is that writer’s block a
block of cheese that you can learn from? What if it’s something that you can
turn into a piece of work (like a blog post)?
“I can’t” before you try is taking the easy way out. It’s a band-aid excuse for probable
underlying problems.
My real problem with shredding cheese was 1) I hate the job, 2) I
was exhausted, and 3) I wasn’t having the world’s greatest day. It wasn’t that
the job was too much, and it certainly wasn’t that I couldn’t do it.
What is your
cheese block? What will it take to
shred it?
you’re discouraged with your work and you need to step back from it for a while
and take a break. (Finding Purpose When You Feel You Have None) (When Writing Feels Like a Dragon) (When You Hate Your Novel)
you’re overly tired, and writing shouldn’t be your priority right now. Get some
rest. (When You Hate Your Novel)
you’re afraid. But it’s okay to write poorly because you’re learning. (When Writing Feels Like a Dragon) (Honest Confessions and a Writing Challenge)
comparison gets you down, but no one can tell your story like you can.
(Comparison is the Thief of Joy) (When Writing Feels Like a Dragon)
you truly don’t have any ideas. But how can you use that cheese block and spin
it into something inspiring, no matter how cheesy the result might be? No one needs
to know that mozzarella inspired your latest blog post.
Go find your
cheese and shred it. And I’ll quit my cheesy puns. ;)
What is your cheese block?
What will it take to shred it?
I despise shredding cheese, too!! I'm right there with ya on that one. XD